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Thursday, May 11, 2006


We WON the quiz last night. This seems to be happening more often.

Interesting points to emerge:
- There were only three of us in the team.
- We got out to a huge lead in the first half, then steadily got crapper as we went, but somehow managed to hang on and get into the crucial tie break question, which AP got exactly right.
- When 'Theresa Gattung' was read out as an answer, the crowd booed and hissed. Public apprvoval isnot high on this evidence.
- That's $50 for next time. Schweet.
- To quote Richie from Filthy Rich and Catflap - "We did it all by being stupid". Sums up Katz FB most weeks, really.

What's Katz FB, then?


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