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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What's going on?

Don't panic!

I've moved charteredtrips to richardirvine.net.nz

All charteredtrips posts are marked as such over there

Redirection should happening... about... now.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bressa Creeting Cake appreciation day

Bressa Creeting Cake recorded my fav NZ album ever - here's my entry to Public Address System's Soundtrack competition. It's a fuck of an album.

Bressa Creeting Cake for the most part went on to become vineyard and
orchstra salwarts Goldenhorse, after releasing my favorite NZ album, the eponymous Bressa Creeting Cake. Dodgy name (and cover) aside, BCC is choka with fine tunes, great playing and cheerful bizarreness. Track four 'Superstation' is an ode to buying petrol station pies, while 'A Chip That Sells Millions' tells the tale of a boy taking his food scientist Dad's new chip flavor sachets to school to 'blow his friends out with flavors they don't know about'.

It's a rilly summery album, complete with cicadas running throughout 'Zenax', and the perfect pop opening of track one 'Palm Singing'. The band took over a studio in Devonport to record it - having recently moved to the Shore I love that this ace album was recorded here (hey, Frank Sargeson lived on the shore too, hey? And Warwick Roger). Rocky Mountain is a fantastic laid back pop song, and was chosen for Flying Nun's 25th Anniversary Box.

This is one of my most-listened to albums ever, and I'm still discovering little noises and lyrical phases. I love that this is BCC's only recorded output, giving it the same 'we made one perfect album and that's it-ness' of say, The Stone Roses (IF you don't count Second Coming, which I don't). I love its' intelligence, sly humor, unabashed pop - I only wish I'd got to seen them live, and enjoy catching little BCC moments in Goldenhorse songs.

Further BCC resources here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Cloverfield trailer

Empire has the latest trailer for Cloverfield, the mysterious monster mashup movie that 's got interweb nerds ordering an extra case of Mountain Dew and towelettes for extra long nights' online debate. It's bought to you by Lost's JJ Abrahams, and has loads of hand held camera stuff, plus shit blowing up - The Blair Godzilla Project, if you will.
Fill yer big monster fighting boots here
Bonus link: Is this the monster?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It lives!

Aaaaand... I'm back. Since January, I've been mostly blogging at sportreviewnz.

sportreviewnz started with links to sports stories I found interesting, and reviewing my old sports books. Then I started doing my sporting 'cartoons' (I always put that in quotes. It doesn't seem right to include my farking around with photoshop, powerpoint and swearing in the same genre as what Tom Scott, Bill Watterson and Charles Shulz do/did).

There were two World Cups this year, Cricket and Rugby, and I started writing satire - I really enjoy this, NZ sport takes itself very, very seriously indeed and needs more stupidity, I say. Here's one of my favs. And another. And another. And another. One more. Some of them got pretty random and got no reaction, like the All Black body parts and 'Tagotown. I thought they were funny. Heh.

Right now, I'm a little burned out on it. Real life work keeps getting busier also. I've dipped me toe in the water here, and it's OK, but I'll stick to the 'keeping up with me mates' angle rather than the 'OMGZERS, I got BIG MOTORBIKE, Come RAce ME and BUY me a DRINK' stuff.

What about all the other stuff in life, like my new imac, my tightfisted approach to buying movies and music, and the sad fact I've spent much of my free time in the last week re-genre-ing my itunes library? Where does that fit on a shoddy sports parody blog? It doesn't, so I'm getting the band back together here on Chartered Trips. I've missed it, and it'll hopefully kickstart more writing on the other channel too.

Update : I've just looked through the archives, and this blog has only ever had one comment! What a beauty.

Friday, December 15, 2006

That's about it...

This blog is OVER. When I started off this blogging lark I wanted to keep my sporting and 'other' interests seperate. I can't be arsed doing that anymore, and have decided to have one blog for everything - sport / review nz. So get in there, quick smart.

Thanks for reading Chartered Trips.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

What I haven't been doing

Nope, none of this for me lately. And here's a list of non-blogging excuses too - this should cover everything. My favorite is: "I just don't enjoy it as much as I convince myself I do".

Procrastination is a killer, team, I've switched to the new blogger beta template and then spent ages making it look like it did before. I've got labels now, though, but I'm having real trouble coming up with a label for this post. How about narcissism?

Hello again, anyway.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

God bless the Croatian fishies

Originally uploaded by richirvine73.